Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Mothers always say, "There's more than one way to skin a cat."

Flexibility is key.

It allows you to tailor things to your specific needs and wants.

Otherwise known as improvisation.

Cooks do it all the time.

Artists too.

Scientists included.

I'm sure the oven came about with some improvisation...somewhere down the line.......pretty sure...???

There would be one recipe for each type of food if it weren't for some improv.
Tonight, in order to eliminate meat, Soyrizo was used in place of chorizo.

** If chorizo sausage isn't in the fridge, finely dice a bell pepper in addition to those called for, use the halved cherry tomatoes and the finely diced onion.  With a little olive oil in a preheated pan, fry the chorizo, or soyrizo, until slightly crumbly.  Then, combine your veggies - as listed above -  into the pan. Saute until tender. And stuff the bell peppers.

That's just one way to skin the cat.

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