Wednesday, February 2, 2011


When was the last time you had a big, fat, steamy cup of soothing tea?

Me?  Right now as I type.  And probably as you read this.  I'm not kidding.  I'm a tea fan/addict.

Tea is not just for old people or for the Brits.  No offense.

But that's what a lot of people categorize tea to be.

Tea is amazing, hot, essenced, infused, tastiness in a cup.  It's just fact.  There's no way of getting around that.

Not to mention the fact that there's more than black tea out there.

Have you ever had Coconut Green Tea?

Chocolate Tea??

White Pomegranate Tea?

Vanilla Chamomile?

Apple Chamomile?

Berry Tea?

Jasmine Tea?

Bangle Tea?

African Red Bush?

Vanilla Spice?

Orange Spice?


Raspberry Earl Grey?

Italian Plum?

What about Tea Time tea with sugar and creme?

Can you tell I'm passionate about tea?


  1. I LOVE tea as well. I usually drink, Tai tea, Good Earth, Chai or apple spice:)

  2. Raspberry early of grey is one of my new faves.

    Also reg raspberry black tea with a hint of cream ... SCRUMPTIOUS! - Kayla

  3. Mwahahaha I got a account thingy so I can follow you.

  4. can you please post the recipe for white pomegranite? or where we can buy it it sounds delicious :)
