A Proper Introduction.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Proper Introduction.

If you're going to do something, do it right. You feel me? No wishy washiness. Wishy washiness is no bueno. As a result of that, I need to explain to you the meaning of this blog.

Food is food, regardless of dietary restrictions. Whether it be gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, or vegan, all of it will be covered. We eat and enjoy food for a reason. Questioning what you can eat shouldn't be part of life. Enjoying food, should be.

Food brings people together. Its scent fills a home. Mouths are filled with flavor.

I guess you could say this blog is about food. Not just how to make it, but about it. Where it comes from, the culture behind the dish. Flavors and how they go hand in hand with each other. Different dishes for different occasions. Everyday life and places that are filled with different culinary experiences.

When I say how to make food, I'm not implying solely the recipe and a few tips. I want to explain some of the key steps, and why you do it. I know I'm using a lot of italicization here, but I want you to understand that food is more than just putting it in your mouth and continuing to eat if it tastes good. Food is food because of who made it, and how they made it. Where they learned to make it, who taught them. You may find that to be a bit obsessive, or freakish, but art is that way. Why not dig that deeply when it comes to food?

So welcome to food education.