Sunday, January 30, 2011


An aromatic meal can bring such warmth and comfort to a home.

Such as garlic and rosemary and olive oil.  Yes, olive oil.  It carries such a hearty, deep, rich smell and essence to food.

Heat within itself can bring out many different flavors from the simplest of ingredients.

Such as roasted vegetables and a simply cut meat.

Tonight, your home is going to be filled with the smells of Roasted Red Potatoes with Garlic Cloves with Salt and Peppered Green Beans.  Along with Roasted Chicken with Caramelized Onions and a White Wine Dijon Sauce.

Simple, and yet so delightful and elegant.

What makes a good meal better is a good cook. Tailoring your meal to your taste, to what you know is right.  Even with that being said, sometimes we forget that less can be more.  A meal doesn't have to be decadently seasoned in order to become that meal.

Remember, simple is golden.

The Chicken:  An important note.  When a recipe says to pat something dry, they mean, pat it dry.  Like bone dry.  If your meat is wet, its not going to brown properly.  Even Julia Child will tell you that.

The potatoes are found here:

The garlic cloves are fabulous.  Most people are used to sauteing garlic, and to the sharp spice and spark.  Anytime you cook garlic slowly at high temperatures, you're going to be able to bring the sweet, mellow, smokiness out of it.  Don't be afraid to eat the whole cloves.

The Salt and Peppered Green Beans is the simplest recipe you're ever going to use.  Over and over and over again.  It's that good.


1 comment:

  1. I love sweet roasting garlic cloves! yum!! - - Kayla
