Saturday, January 15, 2011

Apple Pie.

I  made apple pie.

It was my first pie...ever.

And I learned some things.

When my dad and two uncles were growing up, my grandmother would make apple pie all the time, at least often enough that my dad would be able to pass on a tip.

The dough rolled out beautifully, but I was having trouble transferring it to the pan.  My dad saw the trouble I was having as he walked through the kitchen.

He told me , "Your grandmother used to roll the dough out, fold it, set it in the pan, and then unfold it."

***And that's just what I did.  I rolled out my dough, dusted it lightly with  rice flour so that it wouldn't stick, and folded it into a square and set it right on top of that pile of fruit, unfolded it, and bam, I did my thing.

Thank you Grandma Berg, and thank you daddy for remembering.

Just as a reminder, it was my first pie, so it wasn't very pretty.  But you have to admit, it was pretty in its own kind of a way.

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