Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cooking for the Rich and Famous.

Perhaps I'm stretching the saying a bit...."The Rich and Famous."  But technically I am correct.

Every year at The Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, an event is held for the sponsors, thanking them for their donations and support. During the evening of the event, several high end restaurants and catering companies come to show off their talents.

When an individual thinks, "The Neurosciences Institute," they think hard core, serious about education, expensive.  Now, lets add the name "La Jolla" next to that.  You know what I think??  Money, the beach,  money, shopping, La Jolla Cove, money, nice houses, rich people, and oh yeah, I forgot, money!

The reason why my behind was there, was because of the wonderful Chef Betsy G.

One, rich people look rich, okay?

Two, they were very nice.  They guiltily sneak sweets, like anyone else.

Three, they appreciate good food.

Chef Betsy G, was presenting gluten free sweets.
We served Orange Almond Biscotti in an Orange Ricotta Mousse, as a "Mousse Tinni."  Along with Espresso Brownie, with a Chocolate Glaze, garnished with Candied Ginger and Vanilla Salt.

Have you ever tasted salts?  Not table salt, or sea salt.  Truffle salt, chipotle salt, what about vanilla salt?

Between the candied ginger and vanilla salt it was magnificent.  The two flavors complemented each other fully. 
Ginger carries a bit of a kick, like a slight spiciness. The salt was mellow and slightly sweet.

                                         All I can say is, bon appetit.

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