Thursday, September 30, 2010


Raise your hand if you're a vegan.  Now, raise your hand if you're not a vegan, and have absolutely no desire to be one.

If you just raised your hand for not being a vegan, slap that arm down.  Fast.

Amazingly to some, food can still taste magnificent without meat.

Eggplant Chana Marsala.

Eggplant within itself, is like a meat.  A vegetable meat.  Its flavor and texture can hold stronger spices so well.
Eggplant and Portabella Mushrooms are the two things that will make you realize that you don't need meat.  Yes, meat is good, such as salmon and lamb.  But if you were to extract beef completely from your diet and replace it with eggplant and Portabella's, you won't miss it.  Trust me.

Ladies, I know you're more apt to take my advice.  Men, calm down. I understand that many of you insist on having meat as a staple.  Take a breath and listen to what I'm saying.

Thickly slice an eggplant, or an entire Portabella, and marinate it.  Yes, I said marinate it.  And then grill it.  Use that in place of a patty on your burger.

Why will that taste so good?  There's the factor of how firm the two vegetables are.  Because of their firm consistency,  they withhold and absorb moister and flavor.  And when you cook it, it becomes tender and still releases amazing flavor.

So you gain juiciness, a smokey flavor from the grill and  you'll enjoy it so much, that you forget that you're not eating meat. 

Tonight at the Dinner Club, we are serving Eggplant Chana Marsala.

The highlight of the dish is the curry.  Nothing can compete to curry.  Curry is a unique flavor.  Its smokey.  It makes me think of cumin and spice.  In fact,  cumin is the ingredient that adds what you call, smoke.  Unless you use smoke condensation in your dish, cumin will give you the most well rounded flavor, but thats only fully supported with a tomato based concentration or curry.  Why not make something that has all three?

And oh, by the way....its vegan. Click on the picture for a full view.

1 comment:

  1. You may be able to replace other meats with vegetables...but you cannot replace bacon. I have had turkey bacon, it borders on blasphemy.
