Friday, December 31, 2010


 They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

 Who says it has to be fancy?

Why can't it be simple?

But why can't it be simple yet "spiced" up?

But with what?

Caramelization is what makes things tasty.  Very tasty.

You don't just caramelize onions and potatoes, or whatever you find to be savory, but you can also caramelize fruit.

Apples, plums, pears, bananas.

Anything with sugar.

Caramelization occurs when sugars are heated and become browned.  They can be natural sugars, or added sugars.

Oatmeal is lethal. Certified gf oats are lethal in the sense that they'll burn a whole in your wallet.  And regular oats are lethal to the stomach.  Lose: lose situation. No bueno.

What about quinoa?


But its extremely nutty...

The flavor is...

What would play nicely off of quinoa?


Carmalized bananas!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Basil Macaroni and Cheese.

Macaroni and Cheese is comfort food...

So is Chili...

But I think I want the Mac n Cheese...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Europe makes me think of deep, vibrant colors.  Not just in Italy or Spain.  Or in paintings or mosaics, but in food.

Balsamic vinegars drizzled into deeply infused olive oils and crusty bread.  Rich cheeses and olives.

What about Pasta with Anchovies, Lemon, and Olives?

Thanks to Shauna James and Daniel Ahern, we have a pleasant evening in Europe.

* ALWAYS salt your water when boiling your pasta.  That includes potatoes.  Anything starchy that serves as a staple for a dish. Wait until the water is hot enough to dissolve the salt - otherwise it will eat away at your pot.  Be generous.  You want the water to taste like sea water, or very close to it.  It's important to salt your dishes in layers, so to speak.  As the cook, you gain more control and a more accurate perception of your flavors.  Don't forget, flavors bloom.

As another note: anchovies and olives are salty, period.  If the base is too salty, add an additional 3/4 cup of wine and 2-4 more tablespoons of butter.  That may sound like a lot, but as the butter melts, and the sauce is tossed in with the pasta, it forms a creamy glaze.  Before adding the pasta, the sauce may seem pungent, but realize its a concentrate and will become more subdued as it envelopes the pasta.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


We went to the farmer's market.  And it was raining.

I liked it.  It kind of made me happy.  The light mist seems to make everything look brighter.

A cute older couple always has the nicest set up.  To me, its the epitome of what an old fashioned farmer's market is supposed to look like.

I always feel funny taking pictures at the farmer's market. It's almost as if something that rightfully belongs to them is being taken away through a photograph.  So I asked if I could take a picture and they were more than happy for me to do so.

 Lights also illuminate in an antique fashion in the misty rain...

 It's relaxing.

Not until you begin to freeze.  Bright, sharp colors remind you how you really feel in your flip-flops and wet jeans.

The next morning, I want waffles.

I'm kind of ruined.

When I hear the single two syllable word, it makes me think of Shrek.

I'm not going to say why, because we all know the line.  Unfortunately.

Anywho... Lets go for something light, crisp, and tasty. 

BAM!!! Take this! Smack. Yo'..mAma...good.

 I don't know how a waffle can be smack your mama good, but these are pretty darn tasty.