Monday, February 28, 2011



Being content.

Random. (Brownies with a touch of Almond)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Nothing is classic.

Not according to this web address.

And that's not a bad thing.

It's simply better.  After dinner, no one has to go home burping, farting, or bloated.

Or grumpy, because you're stuck with one of these people...

No one said you have to give an arm and a leg...or go home burping, farting, bloating-free.

Use your resources.  Use Tinkayda Lasagna Noodles.  Use them for Lasagna with Turkey Sausage Bolognese.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cookie Monster.

How could anyone blame Cookie Monster for loving cookies??

If anything, he should be a favorite of Sesame Street for all of the foodies out there.
You taste a cookie that's so darn tasty that you just want to gorge your face with cookies like good ol' Cookie Monster.
For a hot moment there they considered making him "Veggie Monster."

Common now people, really??

Promoting healthy eating habits is essential for all.  But destroying Cookie Monster??!

He eats cookies with letters on them.  How much more mental stimulation do you want?!

For parents perhaps, but not foodies.

These cookies are simple and bomb-diggity: Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Mothers always say, "There's more than one way to skin a cat."

Flexibility is key.

It allows you to tailor things to your specific needs and wants.

Otherwise known as improvisation.

Cooks do it all the time.

Artists too.

Scientists included.

I'm sure the oven came about with some improvisation...somewhere down the line.......pretty sure...???

There would be one recipe for each type of food if it weren't for some improv.
Tonight, in order to eliminate meat, Soyrizo was used in place of chorizo.

** If chorizo sausage isn't in the fridge, finely dice a bell pepper in addition to those called for, use the halved cherry tomatoes and the finely diced onion.  With a little olive oil in a preheated pan, fry the chorizo, or soyrizo, until slightly crumbly.  Then, combine your veggies - as listed above -  into the pan. Saute until tender. And stuff the bell peppers.

That's just one way to skin the cat.

Monday, February 14, 2011


This is formally a post of information.

I've been asked some specific questions regarding some past posts.

Question #1: Can you post a recipe for the Pomegranate White Tea?

-Technically, yes.  Yes I could post a recipe for tea, but I lack the motivation and patience to do so.  Rather, I like to go to the World Market or Fresh and Easy and acquire my tea in that way.

Question #2:  What is the recipe for the chocolate cake?

- I apologize, for I do not know the answer to that question.  You would have to ask Pamela.  I just simply enjoy the mix.  This delightful cake, found in a neatly packaged bag named "Pamela's", can be found at Whole Food stores, Henry's or Windmill Farm's.

Saturday, February 12, 2011



That word means so many things and oh so many words come to mind...

Condensed Soup, for one.

Canned meat.

..and vegetables.

It makes me think of Tuna Noodle Casserole too....ew.

Which is notorious for being horrifyingly disgusting.

Long story short, casseroles have a bad name.

Most of the time.

No longer do people go running and screaming when they hear the word. Thanks to this book.

Its amazing how such simple ingredients can melt into such amazing flavors.

Such as this:

Friday, February 11, 2011


Sometimes you just don't have the time to make a cake. When that becomes the case, its vital that we turn to a trustworthy source.

Pamela's Cake Mix.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hot Chocolate.

A Hot Chocolate Revolution

I'm serious.

How many kinds of hot chocolate have you had?

You may be thinking "How many kinds of hot chocolate could there be???"

Grandma's homemade hot chocolate, Nestle's mix with water, and there's the mix with the milk.

That does not count and you're deeply deprived.

Let's begin this Revolution of Hot Chocolate with a classic.

HERSHEY'S "Perfectly Chocolate" Hot Cocoa

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Veggies are so good...

Even the red bulb like ones.

I think they're called beets.

But let's not boil our beets.

Let's roast them.

And then give things a kick with something sweet.

Whel-lah! (if that's even how you spell it...but you get the point)

I used tangerine slices and removed the skin.  It was a nice touch between the tastes of the beets, onions, and dressing.

Roasted Beet Salad with Orange Dressing

Bon appetit.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


When was the last time you had a big, fat, steamy cup of soothing tea?

Me?  Right now as I type.  And probably as you read this.  I'm not kidding.  I'm a tea fan/addict.

Tea is not just for old people or for the Brits.  No offense.

But that's what a lot of people categorize tea to be.

Tea is amazing, hot, essenced, infused, tastiness in a cup.  It's just fact.  There's no way of getting around that.

Not to mention the fact that there's more than black tea out there.

Have you ever had Coconut Green Tea?

Chocolate Tea??

White Pomegranate Tea?

Vanilla Chamomile?

Apple Chamomile?

Berry Tea?

Jasmine Tea?

Bangle Tea?

African Red Bush?

Vanilla Spice?

Orange Spice?


Raspberry Earl Grey?

Italian Plum?

What about Tea Time tea with sugar and creme?

Can you tell I'm passionate about tea?