Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The Little Theatre at Grossmont High School held the production of Clockwork.  A family of hicks with a murder mystery to solve.  Every time someone bit the dust, (you didn't feel bad because they were so dang annoying) the old and broken Grandfather Clock would ring.  In the end, ringing a total of twelve times, each for every character.  Even down to the angry maid, to the phone obsessed teenagers.  It was a hilarious comedy and a job well done.  I come into the picture with a cake.

It was suggested to paint the numbers.  When doing research, I came across  Simple Chocolate Painting and saw how truly simple it was.  So I thought, heck, let's just do the entire thing in chocolate.  So that's what I did.

Lesson learned?  Try your recipe before using the recipe.  Usually Martha treats me good.  I don't like the woman necessarily, but hey, she knows how to write a good recipe.

I chose a yellow cake with raspberry filling.  When trying the trimmings of the cake it tasted more like a sweet biscuit or sweet cornbread than cake.

This cake was not gluten free or dairy free, because I didn't make this cake myself.  So yes, I ate gluten when testing the cake. 

It was good.  But it didn't suit the occasion.  The flavors said, "Champagne Brunch" or "High-End Tea Party,"  not a High School Cast Party.  I'm thoroughly disappointed, but it is what it is.  And I have good friends who were supportive regardless of its taste.  Along with a little sister who insisted it was amazing.

I will say this, I am proud of myself.  I've never done anything so artistic with a cake...or food for that matter.  I had fun with it.  It's fun to watch chocolate chips turn into a clock. Haha.

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