Saturday, April 30, 2011


History of Pizza : A dish of the poor people, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for a long time.

Now it's a kitchen recipe and the rich and the broke enjoy it equally.

There's a place in down town El Cajon called the "New York Bakery."

Way back in the day when gluten was digested with ease, the New York Bakery had pizza.

Not just any pizza. This bad boy was on an inch of fluffy, yeast risen crust.

In one bite, a rich, buttery, light crust filled your mouth.  Absolutely amazing.

It ain't back in the day no more, but its all good.  I gots yo' back.

A gluten free fluffy pizza crust.

Yeast is scary.  It's commonly know as a leavening agent for breads,pretzels, buns, crusts, you name it.  Anything that is light airy and needs to rise. 

Yeast uses the fermented sugars in the dough and turns it into carbon dioxide and ethanol.

There are many other leavening agents such as eggs, baking powder and baking soda, but those aren't going to create the air pockets needed.

Yeast is scary because it's a live micro-organism that multiplies with the right temperature while feeding off of the right amount of sugar.

Too hot, you kill your yeast.  Too cold, it doesn't do its job.

Just follow the recipe.  You'll be safe, but just follow the recipe.

Please read the page thoroughly: Pizza Crust

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across your blog while trying to find out why the New York Bakery in El Cajon went out of business. Their website is still, but the shop is closed and the phone is disconnected. I was never impressed with their food, but I had to see someone go out of business.
